Renewable energy certificates (RECs) are tradeable, market-based instruments that represent the legal property rights to the "renewable-ness" (i.e. environmental attributes) of one megawatt-hour (MWh) of renewable electricity generation. A REC is issued for every MWh of electricity generated and delivered to the electric grid from a renewable energy resource. Electricity cannot be considered renewable without a REC to substantiate its renewable-ness. All green power supply options involve the generation and retirement of RECs.
Unbundled Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) refer to RECs that are sold, delivered, or purchased separately from electricity. RECs provide no physical delivery of electricity to customers and as such the customer is purchasing power from a separate entity than the one selling them the REC.
Unbundled RECs are available nationally and can be sourced from a single type of renewable resource, such as solar, or from a mix of resources, such as 50% solar and 50% wind REC procurement by customers is not limited by the location of the consumer or by individual state policies. This flexibility allows organizations to support renewable energy development and protect the environment, even if bundled green power products are not locally available.
Customers purchase unbundled RECs for a forward-looking or backward-looking performance period, which is usually 12 months and can cover a calendar year, fiscal year, or other 12-month period. Sold in MWh increments, unbundled RECs must be from eligible generation dates that align with the performance period they are being applied to. Customers generally purchase the desired amount in one clump, which generally reduces the transactional cost. Customers often get to specify what type of renewable resource they would like to buy RECs from, but generally the more limitations the consumer puts on the product in terms of specific attributes, such as location of generation and resource mix, the higher the price becomes, as the supplier has fewer options to choose from.
The owner of a REC has exclusive rights to make claims about "using" or "being powered with" the renewable electricity associated with that renewable energy generation. Various regional REC tracking systems help verify REC ownership and the right to make environmental claims.
Unbundled RECs, certified by an independent third-party, offer consumers a higher level of certainty about the integrity of their purchase. In meeting specific environmental and customer protection guidelines adopted by the certifying organization, purchasers can be sure that their purchase meets nationally accepted standards for resource and product quality.
RECs include several data attributes, including renewable resource type, period of generation, first date of generator operation, nameplate capacity of the project, tracking system ID, and renewable generator location. Some RECs also specify the utility that the project is interconnected to, as well as the emissions rate of the renewable resource, among other attributes.
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