Board Terms of Reference - Standard A17 Explained

Definition: Board Terms of Reference 1
A document approved by the board that specifies the stewardship responsibilities of the board of directors and their accountabilities to the organization’s members and stakeholders.

Why are terms of reference important? Board and committee terms of reference describe the purpose and operating structure of a nonprofit or charitable organization’s board of directors. By setting clear expectations, terms of reference guide behaviour and provide a framework for board decision-making. Terms of reference should be written in clear, concise language so that they are easy to understand and follow. 2 Board terms of reference should describe the purpose of the group and outline board members’ responsibilities.

The scope of responsibilities included in the board terms of reference (sometimes called ‘mandate’ or ‘job description’) usually includes: 1

Committee terms of reference should include: 1

From "Accreditation Preparation Workbook Section A: Board Governance," Katharine Zywert, Social Prosperity Wood Buffalo at the University of Waterloo, 2013.

  1. “Standards Program Definitions,” Imagine Canada, May 2011.
  2. “Board Development: Committees,” Board Development Program, Voluntary Sector Services Branch, Alberta Culture and Community Spirit, 2009.

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