Spread Of Islam Quiz

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Spread Of Islam Quiz - Quiz

Chapter 10 from World History textbooks. Questions from lecture notes and reading. Questions and Answers

This is the Muslim holy book and is considered to be the true word of God only in its original Arabic version.

Correct Answer
D. Qur'an

The Qur'an is the Muslim holy book and is believed to be the true word of God. It is considered sacred and is only considered to be in its purest form in its original Arabic version. The Qur'an is the central religious text of Islam and is revered by Muslims worldwide as a guide for faith, practice, and moral conduct. It contains teachings, stories, and guidance on various aspects of life, making it an essential source of religious and spiritual knowledge for Muslims.

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This is the pilgramage that each Muslim strives to make at least once in a lifetime.

Correct Answer
C. Hajj

The correct answer is hajj. Hajj is the pilgrimage that every Muslim aims to make at least once in their lifetime. It is considered one of the Five Pillars of Islam and is a religious duty for all able-bodied Muslims. During hajj, Muslims travel to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia to perform a series of rituals, including circling the Kaaba, standing in Arafat, and throwing stones at the pillars of Mina. It is a significant and sacred journey that holds immense spiritual and cultural importance for Muslims around the world.

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What was the capital of the Abbasid Empire?

Correct Answer
C. Baghdad

The capital of the Abbasid Empire was Baghdad. This city was founded in 762 AD by the Abbasid caliph Al-Mansur and served as the capital of the empire for over 500 years. Baghdad was strategically located on the banks of the Tigris River and became a center of trade, culture, and learning during the Abbasid era. It was known for its grand architecture, bustling markets, and renowned House of Wisdom, which attracted scholars from all over the world.

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What was the name of the center of learning under Abbasid rule?

House of Thought House of Wisdom House of Education House of Scholarship Correct Answer
B. House of Wisdom

The House of Wisdom was the name of the center of learning under Abbasid rule. It was a renowned institution that flourished in Baghdad during the Islamic Golden Age. Scholars from various fields of study, including mathematics, astronomy, medicine, and philosophy, gathered at the House of Wisdom to translate and preserve ancient Greek, Persian, and Indian texts. It played a crucial role in the transmission of knowledge from the ancient world to the Islamic world, contributing to advancements in various scientific and intellectual disciplines.

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What do Muslims believe about Muhammad?

He was the last and greatest of the prophets. He was the only son of the one true God, Allah. He was the first and only prophet of Allah. He was a combination of god and man. Correct Answer
A. He was the last and greatest of the propHets.

Muslims believe that Muhammad was the last and greatest of the prophets. In Islam, he is considered the final messenger sent by Allah to guide humanity. Muslims believe that he received revelations from Allah through the angel Gabriel, which were then compiled into the Quran. Muhammad is highly revered and respected by Muslims, and his teachings and example serve as a guide for Muslims in all aspects of life.

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Who replaced the "rightly guided" caliphs?

Correct Answer
D. Umayyads

The Umayyads replaced the "rightly guided" caliphs. The "rightly guided" caliphs refer to the first four caliphs after the death of Prophet Muhammad, who were Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali. After their rule, the Umayyad dynasty came into power and took over as the caliphs. They established their capital in Damascus and ruled over a vast Islamic empire, expanding it further. The Umayyads brought about significant political and administrative changes in the Islamic world.

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What division of Islam believes that only a relative of Muhammad is qualified to be a caliph?

Correct Answer
B. Shi'a

Shi'a is the division of Islam that believes that only a relative of Muhammad is qualified to be a caliph. This belief is based on the idea that the caliphate should be passed down through the bloodline of Muhammad, specifically through his cousin and son-in-law, Ali. Shi'as consider Ali and his descendants, known as Imams, to be the rightful successors of Muhammad. This is in contrast to the Sunni division of Islam, which believes that the caliphate can be held by any qualified individual from the Muslim community.

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Toward what city do Muslims pray?

Correct Answer
A. Mecca

Muslims pray toward the city of Mecca because it is the holiest city in Islam. Mecca is the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad and is home to the Kaaba, which is considered the most sacred site in Islam. Muslims believe that the Kaaba was built by the Prophet Abraham and his son Ishmael, and it is the direction in which they face during their daily prayers. Therefore, Mecca holds immense religious significance for Muslims, and praying toward this city symbolizes their unity and devotion to their faith.

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What are the Five Pillars of Islam?

The various divisions of Islam The major duties required of all Muslims The times during a day when Muslims must pray Muhammad and the four leaders who followed him Correct Answer
B. The major duties required of all Muslims

The Five Pillars of Islam are the major duties required of all Muslims. These pillars include Shahada (faith), Salah (prayer), Zakat (charity), Sawm (fasting), and Hajj (pilgrimage). These pillars form the foundation of a Muslim's faith and are considered essential practices that every Muslim should adhere to.

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How did Muslim scholars help preserve European culture?

By halting 100 miles from Paris instead of conquering it By exempting European scholars from paying taxes By translating works of Aristotle and Plato By building the Great Mosque at Cordoba Correct Answer
C. By translating works of Aristotle and Plato

Muslim scholars helped preserve European culture by translating works of Aristotle and Plato. These translations played a crucial role in transmitting the knowledge and ideas of ancient Greece to Europe during the Middle Ages. The Muslim scholars' efforts in translating these works allowed European scholars to access and study the works of these ancient philosophers, which greatly influenced European intellectual development and the Renaissance. By making these texts available in European languages, Muslim scholars contributed to the preservation and dissemination of European culture.

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What led to internal conflict in Islam after the death of Muhammad?

On two separate occasions, Muhammad had named different successors. Followers could not agree on how to continue his military conquests. Some followers were pacifists who did not wish to continue military action. Muhammad had specified neither a successor nor how to choose one. Correct Answer
D. Muhammad had specified neither a successor nor how to choose one.

After the death of Muhammad, there was internal conflict in Islam because Muhammad had not specified a successor or a method for choosing one. This lack of clarity led to disagreements among his followers regarding who should lead the Islamic community. With no clear guidance, different factions emerged, each advocating for their own candidate as the rightful successor. This power struggle and lack of consensus contributed to the internal conflict within Islam.

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How were conquered peoples treated by the Muslim Empire?

They were forced to give up their religions and convert to Islam. Their religions were tolerated, but restrictions and taxes were imposed. They were treated as equal citizens with Muslims. They were allowed to become first-class citizens upon converting to Islam. Correct Answer
B. Their religions were tolerated, but restrictions and taxes were imposed.

The conquered peoples were allowed to practice their own religions, but they had to adhere to certain restrictions and pay taxes. This suggests that although religious tolerance was present, there were still limitations and financial burdens imposed on the conquered peoples.

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Who did Muslims consider the "people of the book"?

The Greeks Only Muslims Zoroastrians Jews and Christians Correct Answer
D. Jews and Christians

Muslims consider Jews and Christians as the "people of the book". This term refers to those who follow a revealed scripture, namely the Torah for Jews and the Bible for Christians. Muslims recognize and respect the religious traditions and scriptures of these two groups, considering them to be monotheistic and having a shared historical and spiritual heritage. This concept of "people of the book" is significant in promoting interfaith dialogue and peaceful coexistence between Muslims, Jews, and Christians.

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What city in Europe was under Muslim control by 750?

Correct Answer
C. Cordoba

Cordoba was under Muslim control by 750. Cordoba, located in modern-day Spain, was the capital of the Umayyad Caliphate in the 8th century. It was a center of Islamic culture, learning, and architecture, known for its grand mosque, the Mezquita. Cordoba's Muslim rule lasted for several centuries and had a significant impact on the region's history and development.

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Baghdad was sacked by the Mongols in

Correct Answer
D. 1258

In 1258, Baghdad was sacked by the Mongols. This event marked the end of the Abbasid Caliphate and was a devastating blow to the city. The Mongols, led by Hulagu Khan, captured and pillaged Baghdad, causing widespread destruction and loss of life. This event is significant in history as it marked the decline of the Islamic Golden Age and the destruction of one of the greatest centers of learning and culture in the medieval world.

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The fall of the Islamic empires is unimportant to the religion of Islam. Islam continues to spread and convert new peoples.

Correct Answer
A. True

The statement is true because the fall of Islamic empires does not have a direct impact on the religion of Islam itself. Islam is a global religion that continues to spread and convert new people regardless of political changes or the decline of specific empires. The religion's teachings and principles are not dependent on the success or failure of any particular empire, making the fall of Islamic empires unimportant in relation to the religion's ongoing growth and influence.

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Muslim women had more rights than European women of the same time period. The Qur'an provided for the care of widows and orphans, allowed divorce, and protected the woman's share of an inheritance.

Correct Answer
A. True

The explanation for the given correct answer is that Muslim women had more rights than European women during the same time period. This is because the Qur'an, the holy book of Islam, provided for the care of widows and orphans, allowed divorce, and protected a woman's share of an inheritance. These rights were not commonly granted to European women at that time, making the statement true.

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Muslim scholars believed that mathematics was the least important subject in learning. Europeans made the most advancements in astronomy and algebra during this time period.

Correct Answer
B. False

The explanation for the answer "False" is that the statement contradicts historical facts. Muslim scholars actually made significant advancements in mathematics during this time period, contributing to fields such as algebra and trigonometry. Europeans, on the other hand, were not as advanced in these areas during that time. Therefore, the statement is incorrect.

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