Owners and Managers

owners and managers

Important Notices and Recently Revised Documents

For all documents that were previously revised to reflect changes required by the new regulations published on November 8, 2023, see Rent Regulations 2023 Updated Documents.

Access Owner's and Manager's Online Services Rent Registration

Between April 1 and July 31 of every year, owners of Rent Stabilized buildings must submit an Annual Registration for each of their stabilized apartments with HCR's Office of Rent Administration (ORA) Owners of Rent Regulated Buildings never before registered with ORA must submit an Initial Registration

Online Applications

Owners of rent regulated apartments can visit the Owner’s Online Applications page to check the status of a case, perform a rent regulated building search, file various applications using the Owner Regulated Online Applications (ORRA) system, and submit the following Rent Controlled apartment related submissions: MBR Master Building Rent Schedule and Owner’s Report of Vacancy Decontrol

Rent Regulation Topics Information, Forms and Documents by Topic Search Rental Housing Documents Documents By Type

Explore fact sheets on various rent regulation topics

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Explore Rent Regulations Advisory Opinions

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Explore Rent Regulations Operational Bulletins

Rental Housing Tenant/Owners Forms Image of an arrow within a box.

Explore Rent Regulated Policy Statements

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No longer in effect. For research purposes only.

Translated Documents and Contact Information Assistance Available in Multiple Languages

Español (Spanish) 中國 - 傳統 (Chinese - Traditional) Русский (Russian) Italiano (Italian) Kreyòl ayisyen (Haitian-Creole) 한국어 (Korean) বাংলা (Bengali) אידיש (Yiddish) Polski (Polish) العَرَبِي (Arabic) Français (French) اردو (Urdu)

Contact Us

By phone: Rent Info Line: 1 (833) 499-0343 In Person, by appointment only: Visit one of our borough rent offices

Private Housing Finance Law PHFL 610

Allowing owners of certain types of affordable housing to collect increased tenant- or project-based subsidies that are above the legal rent Owners of properties in the NYC Housing Preservation and Development portfolio can visit HPD's Private Housing Finance Law Section 610 page for additional information Owners of properties in the NYS Division of Housing and Community Renewal, NYS Housing Finance Agency, or NYS Housing Trust Fund Corporation portfolio can visit DHCR's Private Housing Finance Law 610 page for additional information