Russia and Eurasia

The United States has actively supported political and economic reforms and enhanced trade and investment ties with Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, and countries of the Caucasus region. The U.S. Government has worked to construct a framework for trade and investment dialogues with countries of this region, covering both bilateral and multilateral issues.

Bilaterally, the United States has negotiated trade agreements to extend Normal Trade Relations (formerly referred to as most-favored nation" or MFN) tariff treatment to these countries, negotiated bilateral investment treaties (BITs) to strengthen protections for U.S. investors, and worked with these governments to enhance their protection of intellectual property rights (IPR). The United States also extends Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) benefits to eligible developing countries in the region.

Multilaterally, the United States encourages accession to the WTO as an important method of supporting economic reform in these emerging economies.

USTR and its interagency colleagues are working to ensure that countries of this region satisfy their bilateral and multilateral trade and investment obligations, as well as comply with U.S. trade laws and regulations.