Filing a Complaint About a College or University

For all types of complaints concerning colleges and universities in New York State, the first course of action must be to try to resolve the complaint directly with the administration of the college or university involved. The Office of College and University Evaluation will not review a complaint until all grievance procedures at the institution have been followed and all avenues of appeal exhausted and documentation provided that such procedures have been exhausted. Please note: Every New York State college and the university is required to establish, publish, and enforce explicit policies related to redress of grievances.

Please do not send a complaint to the Office of College and University Evaluation until you have read all of the information below. This will assure that you are sending your complaint to the appropriate agency/office.

The Office of College and University Evaluation handles only those complaints that concern educational programs or practices of degree-granting institutions subject to the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, with the exceptions, noted below.