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Planetary Influences

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More Than A Horoscope

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About Kelli Fox

Kelli views astrology as a universal language through which the unique elements that make each of us who we are can be discussed, understood and developed. For Kelli, astrology is certainly not just for entertainment, but that doesn’t mean it has to be dry and boring either. She sees her role as bringing this ancient science to our modern day life through current social media and technologies.


Thank you so much for the monthly reflections, they really are spot on and support me to make clearer choices.

Thank you Kelli, so great to hear what you've predicted. Very true. Alma Peterson Thank you for your insight. Thank you so much. Puck Lopez 🪄Amazing website, best soo far💎 Sanniyu Hickman

I appreciate your information u send everyday. I'm interested in astrology and your presentation seems the best to me. Have gon through others and I have received mixed rising signs and info didn't seem to fit me. Anyway, I love your presentation and I hope it continues. Thank u.

Astrology and readings are so interesting. Thank you for providing such wonderful information to me with just a single click.

Anna-Marie Mullins Thanx Kelli. Good read. Keep it up. Great reading! Vivien elvin You are the best! Stefano Zoccolari Impressive 👌👏👏and indeed blessed.

First of all she's amazing at what she does. She knows exactly what has happened in my life and she's helping me to get to my life, destiny and my purpose. The greatest advice and the way the planets line up and everything that's explained is very easy to read. I hope to get emails from her now. I'm going to watch her YouTube videos to learn more about what she has to say. She showed me that she knows exactly what she's talking about and how to get there without extra help. I would probably always been in this hole that I've been in for the past several years and she's giving me the opportunity to get out of it. I thank her very much and I hope to always have her on my side cuz I'm going to research you all my life.

Joseph Peebles

I wait for this PLANET UPDATE that I like so much. It is fun and I learn a lot about the planets and how I should follow the advice. Thank you.